Welcome to Bolwerk Publishing!

Bolwerk Publishing creates quality TTRPG products supporting a variety of systems and settings.

Because we believe the best adventures are those you create yourself, our publications are designed to lighten your workload as a GM, while leaving enough room for you to inject the creativity that makes your games unique!


Low-prep, high-value is our motto! Our highly successful flagship line, Dungeon Domains, embodies this by offering a steady stream of affordable dungeon modules which are easy to prep, easy to run, rich in content, and endlessly expandable!

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Dungeon Domains: Rat King's Abode in pre-launch!


A string of brutal slayings plagued the peaceful town of Vaudin. Pressured into swiftly bringing the killer to justice, the bailiff had the local rat-catcher arrested under false allegations. When a lack of evidence meant the court could not pronounce a death sentence, they contrived a punishment far worse… The rat catcher’s skin was smeared with hot, molten tar, after which the man was covered in a shrieking coat of a hundred rabid rats and banished to the foetid sewers beneath Vaudin. 

One year later, the murders recommenced with redoubled savagery, leaving bodies gnawed down to the bloody bones. Soon, rumours began spreading about the Rat King, come to exact his revenge…


Click the button to follow Rat King's Abode and help us create the biggest and best Dungeon Domain yet!